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Women Empowerment – #BORNandMADE Campaign by Carol’s Daughter

Dear readers,

I hope everyone had a good week and has started their holiday weekend with some R&R. I woke up this morning and decided to surf the web/social media while I remained in bed to relax after an exhausting week. While on my IG I noticed the #BORNandMADE Campaign on the page for Carols Daughter and after reading about it, I decided to blog. 

First of all according to the campaign website Carol’s Daughter collaborated with I AM THAT GIRL for this campaign and their mission and commiment is;

  1.  Inspire girls to know their self worth.
  2. Empower women all over the world.
  3. Encourage all women to be who they were born and made to be, and not who others think they’re supposed to be.
  4. For women to celebrate who they are. 

These points resonated with me because they align with my views about women. As a young woman who was born and grew up in Nigeria to unconventional parents, there was always expectations on how a woman is “supposed” to act, how to dress, how to speak, what to do or not do and her place in society etc. It isn’t wrong to have certain expectations on people but it becomes a problem  when alot is solely based on your gender and you get put in a box and become a prisoner to the societys expectations and can no longer fell comfortable to fully express yourself and be who you were made to be. Then, there’s now the additional pressures of being a young black educated married woman who lives in the United States, has a professional career, loves to travel, has different hobbies, but is also very passionate about life and people, and is working hard to build a brand and make a difference in peoples lives, then more poeple want to pull you back, limit you and tell you that you can’t do it all or you should just be concerned about being married and having children because that is all that matters. 

 So, in a society where women are picked apart, pulled down and set to compete against each other in such an unhealthy manner that creates jelousy, inesecurity, low self esteem and failure for women, it’s beautiful to see women who come together to appreciate and motivate each other, support and inspire one another to grow and be their true self. This is why I love this campaign and the people that strive to celebrate beauty in every woman, build self esteem, inspire self worth and encourages women to dream and achieve.




My advice for everyone out there, is for you to Love Yourself, Be Yourself and endevour to be your “Best Self” each day.

Sincerely yours,

Chris & Nkechi’s Daughter.




I’m an open book. I love life, I love people. I love to connect and inspire people. My goal is to help women look and feel their best by finding their style and confidently expressing themselves.