Low Carb Smoothie – Apple Banana Green Mint Refresher
Today I’m sharing a new Smoothie called the Apple Banana Green Mint Refresher. I love Smoothies so I’m constantly experimenting with ingredients to create a variety of drinks.
1 Cucumber
2 ribs Celery
1 Apple
1 Banana
Mint Leaves
2 bottles of water
1 tablespoon chia seeds
- Slice the cucumber and cut up all the fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces.
- Put the fruits and vegetables in the blender and add water.
- Blend it all for 2 minutes in your Juicer/Blender until it’s smooth and you can add ice to the blender to make your smoothie icy. I use the Vitamix A2500 and it works great in making different types of juices, smoothies and even soups.
- Get your mint leaves and blend in.
- Pour your finished smoothie in a cup, jar or bottle
- You can add a spoon of chai seeds and you’re good to go.